As information is more widely shared within and between our groups, talented employees are able to increase their leverage, adapt to the workplace and lead the organisation. Leadership will be the single most important entity deciding the future of our organisation. This structure is a way to have every employee act like an entrepreneur that enables the company’s expansion to different markets. This will create greater responsibility among our employees, to challenge themselves to perform smarter and better. As we push new boundaries, we will be creating more opportunities with new and creative work profiles. Our lead teams have an interpersonal effectiveness where we motivate our employees to be aware of their capability and learn to develop them consciously. We are teaching how to adopt behavioural economics and psychology thinking, coupled to monitor behaviour and attempt to stimulate customer activity.
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Our competencies include skills with respect to designs, project management, product development, client relationship, business development and manufacturing and merchandising skills. We have a planned process to build skills and knowledge through specific learning experiences. Our training is designed to ensure candidates can meet specific learning objectives that support identified performance outcomes on tasks people do on the job. Our training typically occurs through structured learning experiences in the workplace. We identify and hire talents fresh from colleges and also with industry experience and they are exposed to the methods and processes in their respective business functions. In some instances, our in-house knowledge experts plan activities that help transfer what they have learned in terms of experience across the whole organisation. We have a devised schedule for all the in-house experts where they conduct training sessions round the year on various business oriented competencies. We also have experts to plan activities like career planning, performance planning, coaching and mentoring that help our people plan and prepare for future work assignments.
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